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March 21, 2007

Perhaps the same could be said of all religions...

So, okay, here was my day. SYMPHONY OF THE NIGHT. It has lived up to the hype. It is a very good game. I have gripes, but these are gripes based purely on the few things they've actually changed and improved on with subsequent Castlevanias. I want more warp points. I want to pick where I'm warping to from a map. I want save spots near bosses, or at the very least, some indication that I'm walking into a boss room. These are all things that they've fixed in the many GBA and DS Castlevanias. But it's just amazing, after having played those, to go back and play this, and realize just how cut-and-paste all those were. Because they are. Completely. But Symphony is such a good game, it doesn't get old, even after being rehashed this many times. It's just really good.

The March of Vampires has bitten my brother, too, as he started playing Dawn of Sorrow today. Okay, he thought the name was lame, so he'd probably be annoyed if he read this. I guess we'll see if he actually reads my blog.

I haven't mentioned Lunar Knights, which I started playing. It's good. I mean, it's a good game. If you need a top down Zeldaish but more combat than puzzles game, then it'll do fine. But I dunno. It's just so... weird. The menus make so little sense. I have to switch between pages with L and R, but they're in a list that goes up and down...? I dunno. I'll keep playing during not-at-the-computer gaming time, and I'll give a full report later.

Also, my predictions were correct. Look at all that twittering I've been doing! See the box over there? Man! I tried to Liveblog Twitter Hardcore Awesome Wednesdays tonight. There's like... a list of my wins and loses (mostly loses) and the tracks I raced... I should have kept track of in-game leaderboard points, though... oh well, I'll do that next time.
But yeah, I'm Twittering like crazy. We'll see if it dies down, but for now, if you look over there, you'll likely see exactly what I'm doing! It'll be all amazing and shit!

Perhaps the same could be said of all religions...

Posted by poetfox at March 21, 2007 11:51 PM


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