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March 16, 2007
My First Oekaki
So Parish instealled an Oekaki board for whatever reason. So, I dunno, I started a conversation about how retarded Jonathan's attack animations were in Portrait of Ruin (Part of "The March of Vampires," an amazing Vampire-based game event that I'm apparently a part of and invented), and in true Talking Time fashion, the conversation quickly got diverted to that of kicking over sandcastles. So I decided to try this new Oekaki board, having no drawing skills whatsoever, and I doodled a picture of Jonathan Morris kicking a Sandcastle.
I then woke up this morning, and someone had copied and then fiddled with my picture. Totally awesome.
Woah, look, Symphony of the Night on XBLA next Wednesday. What did I tell you? "The March of Vampires."
Well, I suppose it's about time for me to have platelets removed from my body, and watch many an episode of The Office.
Posted by poetfox at March 16, 2007 12:33 PM
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