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March 14, 2007
Mankind Ill Needs A Savior Such As Me.
Mmm, so people are wanting to play the TMNT Arcade game for Hardcore Awesome Wednesday... okay, I can see that. I might get in on that. Yes... yes... Oooh, they have a playable Viva Pinata demo? Sweet. About time.
Mama posted a new comic of me and Brer. It turned out AMAZING. Totally awesome. If you're into such things, I suggest you go take a look.
So I gave a nice presentation on Ethics last night, and it went pretty damn well, I think. There were technical issues, but the instructorguy said it wasn't a big deal, so I shall assume it wasn't a big deal! It wasn't in the part I prepared anyway. I mostly just prepared discussion, and that went well, even if we went off on a huge tangent via the question "What does something 2000 times sweeter than sugar taste like? And how can you determine that number?" These are very good questions raised by the case study, but not really ethical in nature.
What else is going on... oh yes, work hates me, They had scheduled me to work a double shift on my birthday. So I'd get maybe like 2 hours of birthday, and then it would be work. Fuck that. I wrote them a note telling them I wasn't doing the truck shift. Polite but Firm was my motto when writing it. I'll still work the Ad Set. I was planning on it, since I saw we had one. But if I work that truck, I'll be cranky, and I won't be able to go out to eat with my grandparents. So... yes. Stay tuned to see what me putting my foot down on that one causes.
Two more bosses and I'm done with Dawn of Sorrow, and get to move on to Portrait of Ruin. I found that, if I draw the little magic seals quickly and sloppily, it always recognizes them, whereas if I try to draw them exactly, it tells me I fucked up. I'm confused, but at least I'm hitting them on the first try now.
Okay, better clean up so I can go to lunch...
Posted by poetfox at March 14, 2007 10:52 AM
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