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March 09, 2007
I played FFXII again today. My party is level 42.
So Worms is really sweet. I mean, it's Worms. There are times I wish I had, say... a Motolov Cocktail or a Napalm Strike... I mean, the Cluster Bomb is useless, the Cocktail would have been a better choice there... but overall, it really is what all the interviews claimed: Worms at its simplest and most fun. It was completely worth 10 bucks. Now, if they can get some Voice packs up there for like... sane prices... Like, I dunno, 2 dollars for ALL OF THEM, I will be happy.
There was a Game Developers Conference going on this week. I've been following the news, because I follow news... the one thing I got out of it all was wanting to hate Sony for making things I'd be interested in. LittleBigWorld looks AWESOME, and Playstation Home is just the kinda thing they needed to compete with both the Mii action and the Live action. Really, that just sucks for me. I don't want to feel like I should have all three systems this generation. I really don't... we'll see what happens, though.
Other than Sony stuff, apparently Zelda: Phantom Hourglass is going to have multiplayer Versus, and it actually sounds pretty fun... and Super Paper Mario looks as cool as I was hoping, so I can't wait to play that... and... that's about it? Sony stole the show, most definately. Oh, Mass Effect is going to be awesome. But I already knew that. I'm glad, though, instead of going towards the Light Side or the Dark Side, you're basically either Polite or an Asshole, but you're still good either way. If you're Polite, you're trying to win people over with conversation, outthinking, things like that to get the information you need. If you're an Asshole, you just punch them in the face. Heh.
Also, in news that is HUGE, at least to me, apparently Vivian from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is a boy in the original Japanese. I can't blame the people who localized the game one bit for changing that, since it would have caused a lot of grief for Nintendo for something that isn't important to them. The whole English script for the game is amazingly fun and effective anyway, I can't help but love it. But damn, I just like her (him?) even more now. Thank you, Retronauts, for telling me this.
I sorta sent my mom an e-mail saying "I wanna Wii for my birthday!" And then I saw Wiis at Toys R Us, and went "Holy crap, Mom! Wiis at Toys R Us!" I'm so sad, really. But I just... I don't know... I think we both know she doesn't understand what I like... so I feel like I should tell her... I didn't include Cooking Mama: Cook Off on the list of games I wouldn't mind having alongside it, which was an error on my part (I only put Wario Ware: Smooth Moves on there, which is great too, of course)... although that games list wasn't as much supposed to be for her as maybe potentially for Grandma... since, you know, Wiis are not cheap. Well, okay, compared to PS3s, maybe.
But man... almost 23... it's not that I'm old... I mean, I sometimes feel that way, but I know I have many, probably totally sweet years ahead of me... it's just... looking at how little I've progressed in the things I feel I need to be doing. I'm not any closer to really being me... I know there's stuff I could be doing, even with my current parental situation, but I don't, because it just reminds me of said situation... I don't know... I cruise along, trying to hit that sweet spot of accomplishing things and keeping myself from falling apart by distracting myself, and I just... feel the need to distract myself more than I think a person should. I don't know. It's depressing. I should stop talking about that.
How about a positive, then? At least, this past year, I've thought of something I can do for a living with my degree that will fit me. My copyediting class is pretty sweet, and the work is right up my alley. It's something I could do every day, I think. It's the first time I've really had a career goal, so that has to be a good thing, right? I've also done a lot better at school. I'm slipping under the bar I set last semester in this current one, but it's certianly a whole lot higher than before last semester as well. There's some things of note I did, yes? Maybe?
I'm probably going to see the 300 tommorow. I'll let you know if it really was directed by a guy with three machine guns for a dick like Essner claims.
Posted by poetfox at March 9, 2007 12:20 AM
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