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March 19, 2007
I can tell already I'm going to become a Twitter junkie.
Portrait of Ruin = Beaten. I dunno what everyone on Talking Time was talking about when they were all "Oh, the last boss battle is amazing!" I didn't find it any better than any other. I mean, the stairs up to the battle was like the stairs during the Richter battle in Symphony...? Maybe it was just like some other battle? But yeah. It was fun.
Now I'm a little ways into Lunar Knights. It's weird. I'm not used to being able to save anywhere. But it's pretty nice. Hopefully it doesn't get ass hard and turns me off, but I'm enjoying the bit I've played. I thought I'd like using Django and his guns better, but I found that shitty, and wanna go back to sword guy... but eh, we'll see.
TWiT has talked too much about twitter, and now I'm going to figure it out and probably put something in the side bar there, because I like the idea of having specific things that I am doing on the site for people to see. We'll see how it works.
Hmm, it looks pretty nice. Do you like the purple? Now that it has that up there, though, I feel like I should change the Google Calendar banner... eh, maybe later.
Posted by poetfox at March 19, 2007 11:58 PM
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