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February 19, 2007

I've Too Much Hawt Gaming Action to Blog, Dammit!

My gaming schedule is just... through the roof! It's a good thing, at least until this weekend, where I have to write a research paper and my focus will be TOTALLY GONE. But so it goes.

Last night, as per the scheduled meeting in Talking Time's Hardcore Awesome ALWAYS (renamed from Wednesdays, for it is for gaming hookups on any day of the week), I played Metal Gear Online. I want to be involved in all these activities, at least as my schedule allows, 1, because Parish made me a moderator when I asked him to make the damn forum and 2, because... I dunno. Having a dedicated online group of truly awesome people to game with is... awesome. Hardcore Awesome, even.
Anyway, I was very, very bad at it. A lot of the night was spent with me laughing at how sad all my deaths were. My low point was probably when I got the jump on a sniper and was unable to kill him before he killed me. I had literally like two minutes of looking at his back in which I was fumbling and trying to switch off the Survival Knife. It was sad.
It was quite a bit of fun, though. There wasn't as much mic chatter as I expected, probably because you have to press and hold the Select button for a few seconds to talk, which is... it doesn't make you want to have casual conversations. There's like... lag there. It takes a second before it starts sending. Anyway, it was cool. My favorite mode, probably because it fit best with my usual Kamakaze runs, was the Capture mode, where you had to go and get the froggie and bring it back to your little spot. I enjoyed the fact that the maps for that were crazy small and thus very hectic. Anyway, since Tomm and Calorie Mate (which is a fucking awesome handle, I think I've mentioned it before) are so hardcore into the thing, I'm sure another night will be set up, and I'll be there if I can be.

What else... Final Fantasy XII is still awesome.

Posted by poetfox at February 19, 2007 01:19 PM


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