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February 05, 2007
I wanted to try out Absol, which I named Nada, but Brer killed it in one hit.
My car isn't starting. Yay!
So let's see... there was a super bowl last night, but all I ended up doing was snuggling with boyfriends and watching Pokemon DVDs. I don't believe you can get more loser-ish than that if you tried, but I had fun, so there. Heh. I also played through another Chapter of Hotel Dusk. The things Kyle Hyde is doing almost make sense now! He has REASONS to investigate things! It's amazing! I also think I convinced Megi to pick it up... I hope I was clear enough on the fact that it is much, much more novel than game. I tried to be, but I dunno, my way of talking is werid and I'm always such a propaganda machine...
The big question this week, though, is am I going to buy one or two games that I don't have time to get to? I definately want a copy of FFVI, because I've never beaten that one either, but I mean, I got copies of FFIV and FFV that I'm right in the middle of I haven't beaten, plus I'm playing Hotel Dusk. I also am sorta aroused by Lunar Knights, only mostly because Toastyfrog is such a fan... that one, I assume, will be harder to find in the future than FFVI, which I assume should be easy to find... but do I want to get it? Gods, I dunno. I shouldn't get either, at least until I beat Hotel Dusk, but I know me and I know I'll be walking into EB or something around Tuesday or Wednesday and buying one or both... I suck like that.
*sighs* Seriously, though, I was gonna leave early and get some breakfast and then go class and shit, but now that's fucked over because my car won't start. Bleh.
I forced Brer into trying out the Pokemon Netbattle with me. It's everything you'd want in that sorta program. We can try it sometime, if you're completely bored.
Posted by poetfox at February 5, 2007 10:41 AM
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