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February 02, 2007
I hacked my PSP: In Depth
So basically, since I got it done, all I've been doing is converting various games I have to run on the machine and testing them. It's kinda fun, making little custom backgrounds and icons... I can only fit one disc worth of game on my little half-gig card, which is alright. I can swap them out at will, and the way the saves work, it remembers which game is which and keeps all my saves. The only game I've bumped into that doesn't work so far is Klonoa, which is really, really super extra sad. I love that game, but it hangs on the first boss and I can't get past that point... Ohter than that, everything I've tried is working fine, and I have a 2 Gig card coming that I got off of the Electronic Bays for 35 dollars that should help me carry a couple around... A whole Final Fantasy worth of discs, or perhaps Tactics and a couple of action games. I still don't know how much I'm going to use it, but since it runs all the games I've bought for the PSP so far without issue, I'd much rather be able to do this than not. Heh.
I should really look into what homebrew software there is out for the thing... that would be a good plan, too...
In other news, Kyle Hyde is a bit of an ass. Basically, at the end of every chapter, I have one character or another telling me all their secrets due to me hounding them constantly. One person was an old friend who mysteriously showed up, and another was trying to blackmail me. I understand why I was going after those people. But everyone else, it just seems like Mr. Hyde wants to force people to relive as many bad memories as possible. Yes, everything EVENTUALLY ties into the plot. But when he starts dragging things out of the various guests, he has NO WAY OF KNOWING THAT. He's an ass.
Apparently someone got ahold of my Juice account info, both for the paid part of the site and the chat... it's kinda weird. I have no idea how it happened. In any case, it's my fault for using such a shitty password in general, and I'm getting it all changed... to something still fairly shitty, but likely harder to guess. Suppose I should change some other things, too.
Posted by poetfox at February 2, 2007 01:58 PM
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