« I felt like I needed to write a new, long blog post, but I find I can't. | Main | Some game reports or something. I talk about games I'm playing. Read it, if you wanna know about what I think about games I'm playing. »
February 27, 2007
Apparently I got my blogging voice back at some point.
So there was this clearance sale on games at Best Buy, so I went. It didn't go as well I had hoped. I was hoping to pick up some really niche games for cheap, like Chibi Robo and Drill Dozer, but they weren't to be found. Someone either got to them first, or they just weren't there. I did end up picking up a 10 dollar copy of Monster Hunter Freedom, though, which is pretty good, as well as a 5 dollar copy of Mechassault 2, which apparently is not backwards compatable with the 360? I'm confused as to why a Microsoft Game Studios game wouldn't be on the list. But oh well.
In other gaming news, I beat FFV. I was only level 41, which, from what I hear, is kinda low. I'm either that lucky or that good! Buh ha ha ha! I did waste alot of money with Zennigage during the last fight, though. Now, I'm pressing onward to FFIV. It feels weird to play, I played a little while waiting for Best Buy to open. Weird stuff.
I'm 90 points into the Xbox Rewards Challenge. A mere 1410 to go before I can get free Contra! If there is any left! If I get really serious about it, I'll beat most of Lost Planet and finish Hardcore Mode on Gears. That'll help quite a bit. Then I can just add another game, say Crackdown or Viva Pinata, and voila, I should have enough. Also, I'm definately buying Alien Hominid this Wednesday. Well, probably. I will play the demo first. But I think I'll like it, and I want to support them actually releasing shit, and give The Behemoth money, cause they're awesome, and so they can not go broke while they finish kicking Microsoft and getting Castle Crashers to me.
Jonathan isn't excited about Alien Hominid. I can't understand that, really. He's excited about Castle Crashers. Alien Hominid is to Metal Slug as Castle Crashers is to... I dunno, any of those four-player Beat'em ups. I'm going to pick that DnD Shadows over Mysteria. That game was pretty sweet. WELCOME TO THE DnD WORLD!
You know, I should stop working through SotN on my PSP so that, when the 360 version comes, I can buy it and get all the achievements without feeling bored or forced. I'm not too far in. If nothing else, I've figured out something that frustrated me, so when I restart, it won't frustrate me. Yeah, that's the ticket.
Otherwise, though, what's been happening with me... I've been... doing... stuff... yeah. Oh, NEW SHIRT GET. Awesome, no? THE DARKNESS COVERS ME!
You know what I'm feeling the need for? A switcher to switch between PS2 and 360 imputs from my desk. Gods, I guess I'm kinda lazy... but mostly this is just like... the control center of my life, and I want to do EVERYTHING from here.
Also, my really awesome bag has because my "portable gaming bag." I have it filled with DS and PSP and a guide for a game I'm working on, as well as my DS games case... it's kinda nice. Plus, it's nice to use the bag, because it's so fucking awesome looking. I am going to take a picture with my 360 Vision Camera so I can show you. See? Totally awesome.
Posted by poetfox at February 27, 2007 12:08 AM
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