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January 22, 2007
When things like that happen, it just makes me wonder why I don't default to buying things on the interweb...
So I went to EB, and I'm like "Hey, Hotel Dusk comes out tommorow, I'd like to reserve a copy" And they said "I can't do that, it's not popular enough to take preorders and I don't know when we're going to get copies in." I thanked the man, walked home, and ordered the damn thing from Amazon for the same price. There is the POSSIBILITY that I might get it a day or two later than from them, but they obviously don't want my money. Seriously, they're so fucking crazy about taking preorders, even for like, say, fucking Halo 3, which they have no idea how many they're getting or when they're getting that, but they'll gladly take your money for the Legendary Cat Helmet pack... but they won't work to get me a copy of this game that is going to be hard to find, hands down? Fuck 'em. Amazon has always and will always be there for me, and has always shipped out things insanely fast for the fact that I always choose Super Saver shipping (I couldn't on this, but EB said it would cost me 35 dollars, so, oddly enough, 30 bucks for the game with 5 for shipping is fine for me)... like, always within a day or two even though it says 5-7. I heart you, Amazon! Get me my copy of Hotel Dusk quickly! I can't wait to play it.
So, Planar Chaos. Very underwhelmed. Sure there are cards that are in weird colors, but that's all there is to them. They're the sorta boring, basic cards we've seen in other colors all the time, either exact reprints or they might as well be, only they're in another color that they shouldn't be in. Nothing from the spolier inspired me to make a deck. Nothing. Although I did find Braids, Conjurer Adept humorous and cool. All the kinda twisted legends are neat, and so are the dragons, but that's like it. Red Giant Growth is cool for like 5 seconds where you're like "Woah, that's wacky! That shouldn't be Red! Ha ha!", and then it's just Giant Growth, you know?
David Jaffe's Calling All Cars looks pretty fun. Shame it's not going to be on 360. I don't trust the Playstation Network for multiplayer like that. Plus, who the fuck is going to be playing it at the prices that the PS3 is selling for? Eh, we'll see what happens. But I'd buy it off of XBLA.
Posted by poetfox at January 22, 2007 12:40 PM
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