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January 15, 2007
I originally forgot to title this entry.
The poetfox.com redesign is coming along well... a couple more pages and I'm probably gonna switch the main page over, even though it's not completely done. It does look oh so much better. I'm glad I made a place for me to ramble about my own works, a page called "Author's Commentary," even if I'm not really gonna suggest you read those ramblings.
So, last night, I got Tic Tock Doc. This is amazing to me, although it means nothing to you. I keep getting better and better at Hexic. I'm such a loser. I wish there was an easy way just to link to my achievements and show off... but... oh well... again, it's not like it means anything, really.
So last night, as I was listening to the latest TWiT, Cory Docotrow was on, and I'm certianly not complaining. He's fun to listen to, and I can appreciate his anti-standard copyright, open source stances on things, but holy shit, man, where does this guy find the time to be on a hour and 20 minute or whatever TWiT? He does fucking everything! I've finally subscribed to his podcast over at his website... he's podcasting his second novel on there next, apparently, which is kinda exciting. His short works are good. I wanna read his latest novel, based on the cover and extremely short synopsis, and, I suppose, through the magic of Creative Commons, I could do so, right now. But no, novel-length stuff I'd want paper for...
Tommorow, classes start again. I have no idea what my schedule is... and I honestly don't plan to check it until late tonight... because I'm like that. I'm going to do even better than last semester. I'm taking more classes than last time, and I'm going to complete all of them with B's or better... all the while, I'm not going to stress out or feel horrid about them... I know I can do this. I will do this.
Bleh... do I feel sick, though... I wonder if it's nervous... or if it's something else... probably lack of sleep... I felt so sick earlier, I woke up around 6 or 7 on the verge of throwing up... I'm suprised I didn't... I keep having little flashbacks to that sick feeling now... whee...
Well... back to sweeping all the water out of the basement... stupid basement...
Posted by poetfox at January 15, 2007 10:31 AM
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