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January 12, 2007
I'm some sort of shitty web developer.
On a whim, I decided to redo Poetfox.com. I dunno, I just wanted it to look kinda nice and quasi-professional, like this blog... so I saw that Toastyfrog was using this quasi-wiki software for his blog, so I searched it out... it's called pmwiki and it's actually easy enough to figure out that I'm gonna use it and the layout is mostly set up. Here's a sneak peek. Decent? I think it looks alot better, although it's kinda weird how I ended up with Baby Blue and that Greyish color... normally I'd be all lime and yellow... oh well. Now I just gotta set up some content and it'll be a new, much better main page for the site... Wheeee!
I got my ZipIt in today. I don't think I can type ^ or _ on it, which is kinda sad. I'm also saddened that when closed but on, it does recieve messages but doesn't play the "You got a message" noise like it does when it's open. I could also use a backlight, but I knew it didn't have one coming into it and I'm sure that's keeping the price down. Other than that, I'm pretty happy with it. We'll see what I think after extended use.
Apparently my blog is "cluttered." I can see that. But you know what? So is my brain, and this is the internet version of my brain so I think it's fine so there. Heh.
Posted by poetfox at January 12, 2007 04:19 PM
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