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January 19, 2007

I totally threw away my 15% off coupon from work. Not that I was going to use it or anything.

DUH DUH DUH DUH! Gods, I'm so easily entertained...

So, I'm drowsy and my wrists hurt, right? So I got to the store to get a caffiene beverage since Hucks is out of Bawls at the moment... I was going to go for my secondary drink of choice, the Monster Khaos, because it's mostly fruit juice and thus doesn't taste like ass, one of the few I've found... but now, they have this "Coolah" drink on sale... so I'm like, okay, fuck it, I'll have that. I highly recommend it. It's amazing. I dunno if it gave me as much of a pickup as Bawls, but it DOESN'T TASTE LIKE ASS! Even the Khaos gets icky by the time you're near the end. Bawls is unique and good the whole way through, but isn't a... normal flavor. This tastes like a Lemon Drink with a twinge at the end. The can calls it "Lemon Tang" and dammit, it tastes exactly like Lemon Tang. I am buying more of that shit. I wish I had gotten two cans (It was a 2 for 3 bucks thing) but I didn't... I got a can of Rockstar that's juice based... Rockstar, from what I hear, is ass... I'm hoping the juice makes it drinkable, at least... I'm going to have it on the way to class tommorow... but damn... that Coolah kicked butt. I wonder if they sell packs of it there...
Mm, did some checking there... there are 150 mgs of Caffiene in the Coolah drink, and 80 in Bawls... but Bawls is 12 Oz... and I think this Coolah is 16... If I had 16 oz of Bawls, I would get 106.6 Repeating mgs of Caffiene... so wow, there's more in Bawls... Bawls has always had an obvious effect on me though, and that Coolah tasted nice and kept me going, but it wasn't a very obvious sensation... then again, maybe I'm just dulled to caffiene at this point... that, or it's the other ingredients, like the Guarana, that are picking me up...

Anyway, I'm cleared to go to the tourney on Sunday... that's thrilling. Also, I have my W2... I... guess that's thrilling?

Bleh... I'm so fucking tired...

Posted by poetfox at January 19, 2007 01:40 AM


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