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January 30, 2007

"I hair up pretty fast"

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Have I mentioned how easily entertained I am?

So, yesterday, whilst wandering about Toys R Us listening to podcasts, I noticed they had clearance game guides! For like a buck a piece! So I was rummaging through them (I found an FFIV Advance guide... I still haven't beat it, so I figured, for a buck, why not?) and then I turn around and, right on top of a big clearance bin labelled "$5 and under" was a copy of Carcassonne. For 5 bucks. I snapped that sucker up! Still haven't played it, of course, but I'll wrangle Jonathan and Spaeth into it at some point, I'm sure. Heh. Seems like a fun game to play while watching a movie or something. I'm still just shocked that Toys R Us would have a copy of the game, much less one on clearance like that. Boggles my mind, though I'm not complaining.

Also, my copy of Hotel Dusk came in. It's pretty good, I'm enjoying it. The little Take On Me Animated people are... really well animated. I recognize that they just have like... 10 set animations that are set for the different screens of text, but those animations are much more expressive than I'm used to in these games. It's nice. There's like... guesturing, instead of just a smiling face or whatever. Heh. Anyway, it's pretty generic detective stuff, though... alot of the plot is coming at me with... very little sorta... reason behind it. Like I just randomly got a phone call that someone in the hotel is related to an art smuggling ring from my past. Just... out of the blue. It's definately the sorta game I enjoy, though, and I'm glad I bought it. Oddly enough, you seem to be able to find it everywhere you normally can't find niche games, like Wal-Mart and Target... not at EB though. They went out of their way not to sell to me, so screw them. Heh. I almost pre-ordered FFVI and Lunar Knights from Amazon because of that...

Okay, time for class.

Posted by poetfox at January 30, 2007 05:06 PM


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