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January 18, 2007

Did I mention my wrists hurt?

My wrists hurt... I mean... hurt... I mean... they hurt. I can't put any weight on them like... if I'm pushing myself up out of a chair or something... I'm sorta concerned, because god knows Carpal Tunnel is in my future. But I probably just need to try to take it easy for a bit... maybe get a wrist rest in here... I have one, I wonder why it's not here, actually...

My current game-purchase schedule is as follows: Hotel Dusk, MAYBE Izuna the Unemployed Ninja if I get really bored, and anything good that shows up on the XBLA. Wii around my birthday, with Wario Ware and Twilight Princess, and hopefully Wii Play in a bundle or something... I might get Crackdown if the demo is really good, but I dunno... I'll also be watching many Pokemon DVDs probably... and I should try to focus on schoolwork... I guess that's it for my buying schedule for now... at least from what I can remember coming out between now and March... Oh! I might fill a gap with Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops. I'll get that sometime. Also, Lunar Knights looks good in Feburary. I guess that's it.

Gods, my wrists hurt.

I am going to really hate my lit class. Everything else is not a big deal, and I can complete them all as long as I actually do the work. ALL I NEED TO DO IS DO THE WORK, and I'll get B's at the very least. It worked last semester, and it can work again.

I can do this.

Posted by poetfox at January 18, 2007 12:52 AM


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