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January 16, 2007
Damn you, Pokemon! You know I cannot resist you!
Yes, I should be in bed, classes start today, blah blah... this news is important: They have started to put Pokemon on actually semi-afforable boxed sets. They have them in box sets of about 20-25 episodes... this isn't full seasons, since there are like... 80 episodes in, say, the original Indigo League plot... but 30 or so dollars for that many episodes is the going rate... and I find myself intrigued, seduced, and wanting... The only problem is... they have all of Pokemon Advanced in two sets, which I've only seen one or two... or they have the first third of the Indigo League... I've seen all of those, but they're awesome...
Bleh, I'm going to end up splurging for the Pokemon Advanced sets... I suck like that. I know it... and it all started so innocently, too... with me just wanting to pick up a copy of Someone Comes To Town, Someone Leaves Town, since I read like the first little bit and it was oddly intriguing...
Note to self: Next time you feel you have to much money, the whole Master Quest season an the start of the Indigo season are available for you to waste your money on as well.
Gods, I suck. Oh, I also went ahead and switched over to the new poetfox.com because I got impatient. The poetry and short stories aren't up there yet... probably by the weekend.
Posted by poetfox at January 16, 2007 12:59 AM
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