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January 23, 2007

Brock coming back was all super-hero for no reason. Heh.

So, boring lit classes do come in handy. A short, simple phrase used in example lead to a doodle led to the sentence "But the Clockwork God continued clicking away" and from there? Well, I've been brainstorming a Steampunk short story all night. I don't know how good it'll be and I currently have a couple different variations on the basic idea running in my head, but once I start pounding it out I trust that one path will be clear... but I need to actually DO it. It's either going to be after work on Wednesday, because that's just a takedown and I'll be home by 10, after my night class, although I'll probably be kinda out of it then, or Saturday day... poke me and make me do it, someone who reads my blog for some reason.

In other creative news, I wrote a good Nanofic called You Know What I Hate? that's a good like... 250 words but only three sentences. Not high art or anything, but fun, I think. I sent it to the Escape Pod contest too because, hell, why not? I can have three entries and the deadline isn't until the end of January... it's not like it can hurt...

My book and DVDs came in today. They had shipped them in separate boxes for no reason, as they arrived on the same day, but eh, not like that's anything to complain about. The Pokemon DVDs were, oddly enough, not in slimpack cases like I thought they'd be, but I do have all of the Pokemon Advanced season now, and I watched the first few. I'm happy. I need to write an essay about my attraction to such generally kiddy shows sometime.

I also had a sorta long discussion with my mother about things... how I feel like a horrid individual because of how she keeps telling me what's wrong with me... I mean, I know she's just trying to be helpful, but it just... mmm... Anyway, I'm glad I made the conversation happen. It was akward, but I was sticking up for myself, which I need to do more... and it all ended okay, I think...
Now if only I could get my brother to have the common courtesy to reset my desk after he moves everything the fuck around to play games on it while I'm gone...

Posted by poetfox at January 23, 2007 12:53 AM


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