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January 29, 2007

A Discordian shall Partake of No Hot Dog Buns, for Such was the Solace of Our Goddess when She was Confronted with The Original Snub.

So, I like Persephone's Bees. Yeah. I never get new music, so it's kinda exciting. The fact that their album is called Notes from the Underworld is kinda amusing.

So, we did a minidraft yesterday. The idea was all Time Spiral, but we got frustrated before we found enough... good news, though, apparently they're opening a new game store in Jackson, so that's pretty exciting. Anyway, I won,. basically. I was tied with Jonathan, and my deck raped him twice in a row, so niether of us had any doubt I could beat him again. My deck went red late in the draft after getting passed all kinds of power red cards late. Seal of Fire, 2 Rift Bolts, and the Every-Bit-As-Awesome-As-Advertised Sulfurous Blast, Firemaw Kavu... It was a pretty good Black/Red deck. I should make a new deck sometime.

The light hurts my eyes... Hissssssssssssssssssssss...

So I bought a gig SD card for my Wii yesterday... yeah, let that sink in... yeah, I don't have a Wii yet... but it was all cheap and stuff! Or maybe it just looks cheap as opposed to Memory Stick prices, I dunno. Anyway, hopefully that combined with the built in memory will be enough to carry me over for most if not the whole generation once I get a Wii...

So, I brought up at work the Law of Fives, and ever since then the entire truck crew keeps trying to name things and have me be unable to link them to five. Sometimes the whole process is more impressive than others because I'm able to think of a link faster. Sometimes it takes me awhile, mostly because I try to think or something that sounds impressive. Either way, I've managed to do it every time so far, because, you know, The Law of Fives is never wrong. The most impressive one I did, if I can say so myself, was, right after Lawrence asked me about it and I had done a couple numbers, he goes "Well, fine, what about my name, then?" And I, immediately, without pausing, go "Well, what's the 5th letter in your name? E, right? And that's the fifth letter in the alphabet."
Anyway, the whole Law of Fives game is fun, but it leaves me in a sort of haze at work. I walk around, thinking extremely hard about the silly idea, and generally missing things I otherwise wouldn't have missed. I'm normally pretty good at multitasking... very good, actually, I'd say... but I find myself engaging myself in this very much so.

Posted by poetfox at January 29, 2007 09:40 AM


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