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December 09, 2006
So Droid had his birthday, and it all went as well as could be expected. We ate, watched Clerks II, which was pretty okay. It was worth watching, but not the greatest movie of the year or anything like that. It had the potential to be god awful. I'm glad it wasn't.
The other benefit I gleaned was getting to try out Droid's Wii. I'd been wanting to swing around a Wiimote since it came out, just to try. We played alot of Wii Sports. It went pretty well. Tennis is definately the highlight... at least of the Tennis, Bowling and Baseball we played, though we had fun with all of them. The Wiimote did a bit of wiggling, though, I noticed. Like it would sort of shiver, I suppose due to little bitty movements that you don't normally notice. It didn't affect, say, picking things on the menu, but it was kinda weird. It would only stay still if you like... make a concious effort. Also, the Nunchuk attachment feels extremely flimsy. It's very light. I hadn't expected it to be so light. The Wiimote was about the right weight, although now that I think about it, I'm sure most of that weight comes from the batteries. Droid doesn't have rechargables ready to go for his Wiimotes... I think he'll change his mind on that at some point. Finally, we made the most grotesque Mii which we named Bucket, because it was an exact likeness of Matt Buchhiet. I only wish I could show you a picture...
Anyway, there's a couple of little impressions. Basically, it's neat stuff, and I look forward to owning one, but I also believe that my plan of waiting until Feburary or March to pick one up is a very solid plan, so I'll be going with that.
Mm, goodnight.
Posted by poetfox at December 9, 2006 01:33 AM
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