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December 28, 2006

Two Reviews

Today's Day-long Co-op Gameplay Session was Gears of War (Yesterday was Marvel: UItimate Alliance, Christmas was Halo). It's a shooter, most definately, and you do alot of the same things all the time. But it's addictive, and hella fun. I dunno if it deserves all the Game of the Year stuff it's getting. It would definately be in a top three or five games of the year, but... I dunno. I have high hopes for Final Fantasy XII, even though I haven't played it and likely won't for a long, long while. I have a feeling it would beat it, at least for me. But yeah, if you have a 360 and a friend, online or off, Gears is most DEFINATELY worth your co-op time. I'm playing as the second player to get all the Dom achievements because Jonathan doesn't care and I do... heh...

I guess I never talked about Marvel: Ultimate Alliance either. It's X-men Legends 3, only with a non-X-men based cast. And I love it even more than Legends. The lack of actual healing items makes bosses harder than in Legends, but as a whole just seems to make the game... so much smoother. I dunno. It just flows. You just play and play and play. Fighting about healing potion use was one of the annoying parts of the other games, and it just doesn't happen here. I'm playing as the Invisible Woman, just because I sorta picked her at random from the female members of the character roster. I was thinking about Spider-Woman for awhile, but her costume is stupid. I know she unlocks the Spider-girl costume later, which would make me want to play her, but that's like the last one she gets. So I ended up with Invisible Woman. I haven't put any points in Invisibility, because it isn't that good. But I keep knocking people over with shockwaves and throwing them off buildings with Telekinesis and I was having a blast and will continue to have a blast, I'm sure. If you liked Legends, or like the whole Diablo 2 Dungeon Crawl only with a friend sort of idea, get the game. Also, if you're a Marvel fan. You got alot of obscure guys in there to play with. Like Moon Knight. I have no fucking idea who that is.

Anyway, there's two mini-reviews. More to come, I'm sure. I should bed or something...

Posted by poetfox at December 28, 2006 04:27 AM


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