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December 15, 2006

That two screen combat is either going to be awesome or annoying.

Gods, It's a Wonderful World looks amazing in that crazy niche way that attracts me. I like that music on there. Click on the little road circle and then PV for a preview video. Neat? I think so.

So, okay, things I've done since finishing with school... alot of resting... I cleaned like... half of my room. It looks better. I wrapped some presents... I... found out about the Pirates of the Spanish Main online game and joined that. Been playing it for the last couple of days, wishing that I had a good American Ship because I gotta bitchin American special captian. I did learn that sea monsters can get fire masts, though, so that's good to know... what else... Oh, I unlocked the last song in EBA, so that's pretty awesome. I had to beat alot of the Hard Rock difficulty, which was a bitch, but basically just memorization, so I threw alot of time at it and there you go... um... I ate pizza for two meals today... Yep. How's that? Good? Good.

Tommorow I work a double shift, which is not a fun thing, but OH WELL. I like money. I'll go earn it, sure. It won't be as bad as a week after tommorow, where we're setting 3 days worth of ad set on one day for after Chrissymas sales and shit. That'll be fun...

Oh yeah, I'm also listening to Hogfather the audiobook. It's entertaining and appropriate! Also, then I'll know how the book compares to the movie that this Brittish company is making and is airing next weekend, which I will totally torrent.


Posted by poetfox at December 15, 2006 11:36 PM


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