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December 06, 2006
My Knees really hurt for some reason.
In a mere... I dunno... some number of hours, I shall have my last French class EVAR! Score!
So the battle system in Yggdra Union kinda bothers me. I guess mostly because my normal tactics in these games are completely neutered by it. Basically, when two units battle, they, you know, fight... and you can do a couple of things while you're watching them fight to affect battle, like change stances and eventually use card abilities... but once one team wins, they win. They take no damage. The other team takes damage (to their "Morale" meter). So I can just baaaaarely lose a fight, and my unit takes a hit of damage and it's like I've done nothing. This makes it difficult to do the Kamakaze wars of attrition I'm used to, where I throw units at a boss like crazy till it dies... a fairly Zap Branigan sort of strategy, actually, now that I think about it. But, you know, virtual fake people, I feel no remorse. Heh. If a unit can't overpower someone, it can't do anything. My little sword princess is completely useless right now, because all I'm fighting are enemies with spears and lances, which are strong against swords. So she can do NOTHING. It's fairly bullshit, really.
I'm sure once it lets me use my card abilities things will go better. Until then, I'm a bit annoyed.
Only one other person did Fragile Things in class. So that's nice, I guess. So many people didn't follow the publish date thing, though... if I knew I could disregard that, I probably would have presented Girl Goddess #9 to the class... Dragons in Manhattan is so fucking awesome... oddly enough, I don't remember much of the rest of the book, though I know it was good... I should reread it sometime, it's not like it's that long...
I should probably sleep... yeah... that's the ticket...
Posted by poetfox at December 6, 2006 02:09 AM
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