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December 23, 2006

I'll assume he's flying in an FFXI-style Airship, and someone is silly enough to fish off the side, and catches an Airfishmob, but he's down in the cabin, so he doesn't lose any EXP.

Brer had to go through all kinds of crepe thus far to get on the plane and stuff... I hope there isn't much more he is forced to go through... He already missed a flight due to long security lines, and then last I heard was having to stand in another line... I just have to keep assuming if anything REALLY terrible plan-wise occurred, he would call and tell me. Instead, I shall grind in FFV and be impressed that Ranger actually does damage in the game and is fun to use Mug with, and generally sort of assume/hope that he's getting on a plane nowish, or in an hour, and not worry about it.
Blizzards are mean. Airlines are also mean. Stupid airlines. I will stab them. You should be waving bags of money at your employees, airlines, so that you err on the side of having too many people during this horrid holiday travel season! Or something!
I hope he doesn't have to spend the night in the airport... meh, I can't do anything about it, no need to think or worry about it. Just, you know, give off good vibes that hopefully will transmit via love connection to him, yeahyeah.

So I got all my pictures took and Grandma's present is wrapped and all I have to do is survive the intensely evil work I will have to endure tommorow and and Sunday and then Chrissymas will be here. Yay! I also hope Droid can get me that cable... I talked to him on the phone and he was all like "I'm going to drop it off later today!" and I went and got money to thank him monetarily for putting up with me bothering him about it and him supplying the cable and him putting the ends on the cable, but he never showed up. I shall bother him again when I wake up tommorow, because, yes, I am so... intense... as to not accept the concept of only being able to have the 360 or my computer hooked to the interwebs, not both, for even a day. I will not have this! IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE! But I need 30 feet of networking cable or the ridiculously expensive 99 dollar wireless adapter to make that happen. So come on, Droid! Be a buddy!

You know, I needed my Airship to go higher to reach some flying fortress, so I was told that, obviously, I needed to get some Adamantite. Not to, say, build a stronger engine or something, but to "reinforce the ship" which would somehow magically make it go higher... I can't see how adding an extra layer of metal would make something be able to fly higher in the sky. Come on, FFV. It's not like you need an actually good explaination, but you could at least make one that's vaguely plausable. Or at least tell me that Adamantite is some magic hover-metal or something...

...holy crap, Cheap Ass Gamer tells me Gamefly is having some End of the Year used game sale... I'm looking at the list... and Chromehounds and Prey for $20 and PSU for $35 sound awesome to me... I wonder if things will be gone come Chrissymas... must remember to check back.
It's odd I get so excited about Chromehounds and Prey, though... Prey would, likely, be better played on the PC. It doesn't have Co-op. Chromehounds is said to be fairly glitchy and not have much single player component, and I don't have alot of people to play with online... but both I'd like to play sometime, and that's about the price I'd pay to pick them up. Also, if I get Prey for the 360 I get Achievements. PSU, that's just a good price. It's going to happen eventually, might as well be now. I wonder what achievements PSU has... hm.

Posted by poetfox at December 23, 2006 12:24 AM


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