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December 24, 2006
Everyone keeps complimenting me on the Chrissymas cards I gave them at work, so I'm glad I took the time to make them.
You know the whole "think outside the box thing?" It fucking works. I don't have the cable from Droid, and I probably won't till after Chrissymas... I ordered a long one from Newegg (if Droid does come through, then I'll just replace the one going to this computer with it, as it's pretty shitty, but long) but what to do until then? Be online on 360 or computer, not both? I didn't have a long enough networking cable! And then it hit me. I thought outside the box. The only reason the console need be near the TV, especially with the wireless controllers I have, is for the Component Cables into the TV. And I have a very long extention cord for those. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX, PEOPLE! I totally win at temporary solutions. It'll drive Mom crazy, though.
Well, work sure went late tonight. Guess I should go to bed. Merry Chrissymas Eve!
Posted by poetfox at December 24, 2006 04:45 AM
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