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November 06, 2006

Well, you're walkin' and a-talkin' and a-movin' and a-grovin'...

I've got the first song from Elite Beat Agents stuck in my head. I enjoy it. I also can't fucking wait for the game. It's supposed to come out today, but I don't really believe it? Knowing me, I'll check the stores anyway. We'll see what happens. Besides that, I also got the last castle in Contact to beat, and the last case in Phoenix Wright 2... mm, I need to make sure I complete those, because they're both awesome and deserve to be completed! Oh Nintendo DS, how I love you.

So I listened to my first episode of This American Life last night, since they have a free podcast now? You can't get their archives, but basically, the podcast is last week's show for a week. Which is perfectly fine by me. But yeah, it was good stuff. Kept getting distracted while listening to it, though. Heh. Essner said the episode I just downloaded is extremely boring, though, so I might skip it.

Guess I best get going to class, hm?

Posted by poetfox at November 6, 2006 09:27 AM


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