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November 05, 2006
We shot Ice-skating Zombie Santa like a million times.
So at work, I brainstormed for a little while a podplay called "The Essence of Turnabout" that would be a Phoenix Wright podcast play, because I wish there was an anime... but then the part of my brain that is based in reality ruined the fun with facts such as the need for voice actors for all the major characters (Phoenix, Maya, the Judge, Gumshoe, and at least one of the prosecutors, probably Edgey) not to mention a bunch of people for the one shot roles each case that would hopefully be different... and that's before I get into the need for sound effects, audio editing... yeah. Not gonna happen. But I'd totally listen to it, if it did.
Essner and I went to the mall today, because he wanted to buy a game... and we ended up playing waaaaaaay too much CarnEvil. It was... fairly retarded, but we had fun, so that's good. We ran out of quarters on the last boss, though. He gives out tons of cheap basically unblockable hits. But then again, that's what coin-op is all about, I suppose...
Posted by poetfox at November 5, 2006 03:44 AM
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