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November 17, 2006

This was the first of two consecutive days of new shirts being worn.

So it's offical: I'm missing a chunk of tooth. I really don't know what the fuck happened, it's not like I've injured my face anytime recently or chewed on any rocks, but there is a chunk of my farthest back, right side, top row tooth gone. It doesn't seem like anything serious... I'm not in pain or anything, and the tooth is still functional, as far as I'm aware... it just has a jagged edge and a little bit gone on the front. Where did it go? I hope somewhere fun. Like Disneyworld.

To confirm it was gone, I looked in the mirror, which was a bad decision. I look terrible always. I don't take good enough care of my body because I hate my body, and I just look like this total loser... or at least I did tonight. Blah. I hate looking in the mirror.

So I've watched the first couple of episodes of Heroes now, and I'm going to go on the record and say it's really good stuff. I'm gonna keep watching. I also caught up on The Office... but then they aired a new episode tonight, which I missed. Oh well.

Also, apparently they've opened up Guild Registration on Albatross and Bucchiet wants to make one. More power to him, I say, but we need like 5 more people to join in order to make it. If, for no apparent reason, you want to join, let me know. No, I have no idea what he wants to call it.

HappyHappy Sleeptime GO!

Posted by poetfox at November 17, 2006 01:45 AM


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