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November 27, 2006
I think I made a spelling error in my mail to Tai...
I guess it's the fact that the games I'm playing now (NWN2 and FFIII) don't require me to listen to them, but I'm keeping up with my podcasts for the time being... and that's after adding some new ones, too (since I listened to it for the past like... 3 weeks in a row, I went ahead and added Major Nelson's podcast to my podcatcher, for instance...). I dunno, it's just kinda interesting how my listening habits come and go... man, podcasts are awesome.
Whoo! I got Tai's friend code for pointless FFIII e-mail feature! The space bar is in like... the most inconvienient place imaginable on the letter writing screen, seriously.
So let's see, I know I had more things to talk about... but... they're... gone now. Oh well. Time to go to class... I actually have to complete alot of school work this week... blah.
Posted by poetfox at November 27, 2006 09:04 AM
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