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November 25, 2006
I dislike candles in jars, because everyone couldn't buy just one. They had to buy 10. And I had to wrap all of them.
In all honesty, I'd rather work Black Friday than any other day I've worked the floor. Rodney was jokingly talking about how fun it is, and I'm sure, for a manager, it is hell on earth. But for me, who was just mindlessly working constantly, just like I normally do at work... I didn't mind at all. Well, besides the fact that I had to get up really early and didn't really sleep. That sucked. But yeah, overall, it was not a bad experience. What really shocked me though was the people coming in at 5 in the morning and leaving with... a shirt. Not the cheap DVD players in limited supply, or the TMX Elmos, but just a shirt. And maybe a pair of socks. Why would you shop for those things on Black Friday? Insanity, I tells yah.
I wrote an essay yesterday, which you can find on Poetfox.com if you're so inclined. It's called "Delusions of Failure," and it was gonna be kinda funny but really it got fairly serious. But that's the great thing about following the brush, you just sorta slide into what you really need to talk about, you know?
Writing it at random just made me think even more that I should be creating a personal essay podcast magazine, trying to duplicate the sort of... planning that Escape Pod and Pseudopod do, because they're well planned. Not that I'm like "I deserve a popular podcast so I'll just copy them and then I'll be rich!" or something retarded like that, it's just... a very intelligent sort of scheme. And I want personal essays to be something on the same level as short fiction. I'm going to call the podcast Personas. What do you think? I'll start looking into things more... I honestly don't want to have to bother Droid with it, which makes the project alot bigger than, say, the Crappy Asst Podcast was (Essner relistened to episode 24 recently, apparently, and he says it's one of our best ones)... but I should do it. I should accomplish things sometimes. You know? It should be my project after I finish up this semester for in between gaming sessions.
On Wednesday, I'm going to buy my first two Chrissymas presents for people. Which means it's time for...
Poetfox's Chrissymas Shopping Status List
Mom: No Check
Dad: Good as Checked (getting it Wednesday during Associate Shop Day)
Jonathan: No Check
Grandma: Good as Checked (getting it Wednesday as well)
Grandpa: No Check
Friend #1: No Check
Friend #2: No Check (since we haven't drawn names yet, it makes it a little hard to shop. Heh.)
Brer: No Check
Posted by poetfox at November 25, 2006 12:12 PM
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