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November 09, 2006
I am very tired and out of it. Yay!
I am tired and possibly delirous from tired. Last night at work, I kinda crashed, as my body tends to do. I push the poor thing to hard, and every so often it decides it's had enough and just... starts shutting down on me. I could barely walk balanced, all of my joints hurt, my vision was fuzzy... it wasn't pretty. It didn't help that I didn't get off work until 4ish last night, and I had started crashing around... I dunno... 1? Luckily, I didn't break any dinnerware... I was worried for a little while. Anyway, I went straight to bed when I got home but I still feel completely out of it. I need to spend a day in bed or something, but I have a truck tonight, so... so much for that. Sorry, body!
Did you hear about Gears of War multiplay? That was pretty stupid, wasn't it? I highly doubt it will ever affect me, I'm sure I'll dabble in the multiplayer for a couple minutes and then get back to the co-op play... but seriously, they made an entire multiplayer suite based on 4 player teams... and then had it set up so that you can't MAKE a 4 player team and play ranked matches. What the hell? Even Halo 2 did that shit, and it was last gen. CliffyB said that that was a Mircosoft mandate, and they wanted to put it in... It just confuses the shit out of me, really. People want that shit. People used that shit like crazy in Halo 2. This game is supposed to be sort of the Halo Surrogate until Halo 3 comes out. Microsoft should have bent over fucking backwards to get the Live ranking system to work like they wanted.
In other Xbox360 news, I have one. Sorta. My mom saw a nice little deal where you get a Premium system + Burnout Revenge for slightly less than the cost of a Premium System (slightly less being like 3 dollars or something), so she claims she went ahead and bought it for me for Chrissymas. So that's neat. I can keep my eyes out for deals on picking up Halo and Halo 2 and stuff knowing for sure I'm getting one. She did say that it was going to be for me AND Jonathan, which... we've always shared other systems, so I understand why she thought that, but I dunno how badly Jonathan wants one. He'll play it, sure, no doubt. But it's really my want. Not to mention that, even though it's going to take me longer than I thought to get done with college, when I do, I am leaving here... and I was sorta wanting the 360 to be all mine so I could just pick it up and go without worry when that happens... Mom said we'd talk about it... we'll see what happens, I guess. Either way, it's gonna be in my paws come Chrissymas.
I wonder how Gamertags work on there... considering there are all these achievements for Gears of War that are all about being Dom (Player 2 if you play Co-op... beating the campaign as him gets you the "I can't quit you, Dom" achievement... heh... others include "Dom-curious" and "Dom-ination"), so that makes me think that, even when playing Co-op offline, both players can log in with a gamertag. A comment off of Joystiq back when PDZ was new makes me think the same thing, as they were talking about two players playing through the Co-op campaign online, then one coming over and them being a bit screwed because they didn't have a Memory card with his Gamertag and Save info on it, so he was stuck with just the basic pistol for the last boss fight or something... I dunno. Just saying, maybe Jonathan should get a Gamertag. It can just be silver, I don't see him paying for Live, much less have us BOTH pay for Live Gold. But he could stick rack up Achievements offline as he plays... I dunno, am I the only one who thinks the Achievements and Gamerscore are neat? Probably.
So I also decided I'm buying NWN2 tommorow by using the combined power of many coupons. The game looks great, and deep, and you can play the whole damn thing in co-op, so even if it doesn't grab me alone, playing through it with Brer would surely be fufilling. It's also made by Obsidian, whose writing and character stuff I cannot help but respect after KOTOR II surpassed every expectation in that department. Seriously, even though the ending was a bit fucked up due to being rushed out the door, and the last boss battle was really easy, the villian in the game is just... a great character. I came into KOTOR II expecting generic SW RPG, and I got all the generic lightsaber swinging, but I also got all the dialogue and stuff, which pleased me to no end. I'm hoping NWN2 does something similar with whatever DnD universe the game is set in... Forgotten Realms, I think? I dunno, I only vaguely know DnD. I'm sure I'll know more after the game, though.
I rambled about pointless stuff for a long fucking time. I mean seriously, look how long I rambled about Gears of War multiplayer, something that, as I said, WILL NEVER AFFECT ME. Man, I'm awesome.
Posted by poetfox at November 9, 2006 01:26 PM
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