« I think I made a spelling error in my mail to Tai... | Main | I Hate Writing Researched Lit Papers Because No Scholars Write About What I Wanna Write About. »
November 28, 2006
DeathdeathdeathdeathDEAAAAAAAATH! Deathydeathy Deathdeath Death! Death Death!
Time for a Chrissymas Gift Buying Update!
Poetfox's Chrissymas Shopping Status List
Mom: Good as Checked (Got a plan, just gotta finalize and order)
Dad: Good as Checked (waiting for Kohl's Associate Shop Day)
Jonathan: Check (Box in the mail, baybee!)
Grandma: Good as Checked (waiting for Kohl's Associate Shop Day)
Grandpa: No Check
Friend #1: No Check
Friend #2: No Check (Still haven't drawn names...)
Brer: No Check
Half my list done already! I'm awesome.
I don't know if the e-mail thing in FFIII even works. Tai and I sent each other mail this morning around 9, and here it is, 1:30 in the AM, and I still haven't recieved it. What up with that?
I gotta do alot of work today and tommorow... homeworks and research today, some homeworks and paper and extra credit thing tommorow... blah. But that's mostly it... I can write this paper, 8 pages only SEEMS long... I don't care if it's shitty, as long as it's done I'll be fine... (and I trust myself enough that when I say "shitty" I'm at least turning in B quality material... heh...) Once it's done, the only major thing I have left to do in the semester is go back and revise all my short stories... which I should do anyway, so that's not so bad... the hardest part is going to be inventing an alien language... I have no idea where to start on that...
Posted by poetfox at November 28, 2006 01:32 AM
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