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October 21, 2006
You are such a Butt-toucher.
So, Contact. I've put in a decent little chunk of time, and so far the feeling is "This game is awesome." It's not for everyone, there's a distinct lack of much control over combat. But it's so damn charming, I can't help but like it. If you have the game, let me know so I can add you to my WiFi Island, just beacuse, I dunno, then I get to see what the fuck it does. I sorta doubt whoever the hell you are who reads this has the game, besides me. I read this, and I have the game. But I can't really add myself to my friends list, now can I?
In other "I buy too many games" news, the huge amount of pre-order goodies for Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin makes me want to preorder. I was planning to pick it up eventually on the cheap, mostly because of the Co-op, but that is some sweet swag. A Soundtrack CD of the History of Castlevania music, a metal DS Game carrying case, special stylus, and big ol' art book. I know I shouldn't give in, because I suck BALLS at Castlevania... actually, you know what? I'm deciding here and now. I have too many games I'm buying, I'm not going to preorder this. I'll pick it up later, like say, during next summer, when no new games are coming out and the price goes down. Now make sure I stick to that.
So Kale, this nice little tiger boy who's been talking to me for whatever reason, pointed me to this Naturmia High RP board, and I've been having a blast at it. I've been playing a modified version of my Tailrazor character, and it's been going over great. I think I'm having more fun than he is. Heh.
You know, I talk to people younger than me, and I feel all whatever, and I try to help them like that... but I really have alot of the same problems they have... I dunno, I've always felt I was pretty good at giving advice on things I know nothing about...
Gonna see the Blue Man Group Rock Concert tonight! Hurrah!
Posted by poetfox at October 21, 2006 01:36 AM
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