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October 10, 2006
Power of Rude Gesturing!
I ordered another t-shirt. I really am all about the silly t-shirts.
So Nathan, the truck supervisor guy, has absolutely 0 management skills. Have I said this before? Well, it's true. He's a very nice guy, I like him as a person, 0 leadership abilities. It makes for clashes while working, and since we had Matt W back there tonight, who is just a complainer through and through, things got pretty bad. Everybody was all pissy. We still worked hard (besides Nathan, he just sorta piddled around and "managed" things) and got the shit done, but there was much bitching. I just feel sorry for the guy and am annoyed with him very often. It's almost good that I'm going to be gone this week while Kathy is also on vacation, so I don't have to deal with him on Ad Set.
Clubhouse Games comes out today. Wheeeeeee! DEFINATELY friend code me up if you get it for hawt online card and board game action. Is it weird I'm so excited about a game that's just a buncha basic card games? I'm also excited about playing Justin Spants in Rocket Slime, as sending him the tank battle demo was enough to convince him to buy it. He apparently played the demo over and over like 10 times or something. Heh.
Anyway, it's crazy late at night and I should go to bed. I don't have to critique my short stories this week, at least not all of them, since we're seeing Mr. Author guy whom I don't really know anything about, but I should still read more of the Divine Comedy and crap. Goodnight!
Posted by poetfox at October 10, 2006 03:32 AM
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