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October 16, 2006
He has a gun that shoots playing cards. A GUN THAT SHOOTS FUCKING PLAYING CARDS!
The Kaitou Kid is a badass. I saw another Detective Conan movie over the trip on my PSP, and he just continued to kick ass and take names. Not Conan's name. But everyone else? Sure. Wikipedia tells me those cards he shoots from his gun (!?!??!??!!!!) can cut through concrete. DAYMN! He also has a cape that turns into a handglider! FUCK! YES!
Anyway, the point I'm trying to make here is that the Kaitou Kid is awesome, and you should show some respect. Then again, Conan can hold him off with nothing but a belt that makes a soccer ball... yeaaaaah... why exactly isn't the Professor just making him a gun? Surely that's better than a belt... that spits out a soccer ball...
So Contact comes out tommorow, supposedly. I've been waiting a hella long time, so I can't wait to play it. I still got some Mario Vs DK 2 that I need to get done, and Jonathan just picked up Viewtiful Joe: Double Trouble for whatever reason, but come on. Contact! Besides picking that up, I also need to... do homework... and mail off my MP3 player for repair... lots of stuff to do.
I also totally called, finally, and signed up for DSL. If it all works correctly, I should be better better speeds (even better than what I SHOULD be getting) at about 10 dollars less. Should have it all hooked up Friday. We'll see how it goes.
I wish Clubhouse Games Wifi was working. I'll blame Charter internets...
Posted by poetfox at October 16, 2006 11:40 PM
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