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October 08, 2006

Eevee. The. Rock-throwing Pokemon. Throws Billions of Gravelrocks, since they are, more powerful, than all, of its, attacks.

So yeah, I'm to the last dungeon in the story of Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon, and all my Eevee self can do it use inventory items and sometimes Tackle for minimal damage. I definately picked the hardest route through the game by being an Eevee... At least I'll learn Quick Attack next level, but it may be too little too late... I hope the story lets me do random missions to level some more before going to the Final Dungeon. If not, I'll have to use Escape Orbs I guess and grind slowly... I'm not insane enough to go after all the rest of the Legendary Pokemon in the 99 level dungeons after the game is beaten, but I've gotten this far, and I'd like to complete it...

I read more Phantasy Star Universe info today, and it made me even more excited for it. My plan is to get it on the 360, though I should probably wait awhile after I get the system... too many new games isn't really a good idea. It does look like it's shaping up to be even more awesome than PSO, though. I just hope you can play it online on the 360 for no additional fee... really do. If that's the case, I know I'll come back to it every so often, and that would be awesome. Awe. Some.

What else... I dunno what else...

Posted by poetfox at October 8, 2006 01:52 AM


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