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October 27, 2006
Brer is all like "Buy that Nerf Gun and Mod It." He must have thought I was someone with skill or something.
For no apparent reason, I cannot get my SMTP server to work. Droid keeps trying to help me with the settings, but to no avail. This honestly only affects me once in a blue moon, but it's really damn annoying, I swear.
Apparently, Droid and I are going to go buy Nerf guns tommorow? I'm excited. I'mma gonna get one of these. Hell, at that price, maybe I'll buy two so I can dual weild. Crazier things have happened.
Using a helpful guide, I picked up all the costumes in Contact I was missing... and then learned that I needed them all to continue. What the fuck? None of them were obvious, besides maybe Nitro Boost, but it seemed more like an optional sidequest than a requirement. Anyway, it was pretty completely and utterly bullshit, but thanks to the interwebs I'm back on track and onto a boss... I haven't figured out the trick to him yet. I assume he has a trick like the last boss I got stuck on. Anyway, I best keep playing, my copy of Gyakuten Saiban 2 is in the mail, and apparently aside from a couple typos the English translation is exactly, in every way, the same as the one America is getting in March, down to the fact that the game will read "Phoenix Wright 2: Justice For All" when you put it in an English Language DS. Huzzah! Anyway, I know that'll entrance me endlessly when I get it, so I best get to the Contact playing while the gettin's good.
I honestly can't wait to own a 360. I dunno if I've made that clear, but I just... damn. I can't wait. I would never have imagined I would feel this way if you'd asked me a year or so ago. I want a 360 more than I want a Wii. I will get a Wii, without a doubt, but I'm feeling currently like I can pass on the Wii until like birthday time and not feel bad about it. But the 360... I want my Gamercard to be filled with achievements and points, I want to play silly games like Uno and Carssassone online and smack talk during them, I want to play Castle Crashers and Small Arms with four friends, I want to show off my hardcore Table Tennis skills, I want to play Halo! I want a 360. Just a couple more months, though, I can wait.
Posted by poetfox at October 27, 2006 01:39 AM
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