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September 13, 2006

Watch out! It's that one guy!

On one hand, having to buy Meteos again is a bit of a bummer. On the other hand, ONLINE METEOS! It would be cool if it were compatable with normal Meteos for non-online multiplayer, as it would sorta suck to have to carry two versions of the game around.
I sat there for a moment wondering if I should replace "hands" with "paws." I'm a sad little furry person sometimes.

Oh, got that test back that I was taking Monday? I'm not overjoyed with the results (aka, it's not an A), but it falls in what I consider an acceptable range, considering I think a low B overall would be a victory for the class. So there you go.

So I started reading all the Scott Pilgrim stuff last night. It's pretty sweet, though, you know, borrow/steal the things from me rather than buy them yourself, if possible. The title is the line I found funniest from the first volume, but I doubt it works out of context. Oh well.

I don't think I made it to the third round of the Great Designer Search. I feel like I would have gotten an e-mail by now... especially since the test was multiple guess. Oh well, at least I gave it my best shot.

I have an affinity for rules. Which makes me wonder why I don't feel more kinship with the Azorious. They fucking cast "Law Magic" and tangle people up in buerocracy. And yet, I haven't made a deck with them, even if I think Minister of Impediments is an awesome name and a good card.

I should write an essay about me and rules.

I should also shower. I'll do that now.

Posted by poetfox at September 13, 2006 11:25 AM


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