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September 08, 2006
The last post title was from Metal Wolf Chaos... did you get the reference?
Hey, a Dumb-ass Memory by me is on the latest Jack Mangan's Deadpan It's likely not worth listening to the whole show, just for me talking for like a minute, but I enjoy the podcast in general, so... there you go. Oh, it's Episode 23 if you're some sort of person reading this from the far FUT4R!
Yay for more Slimeknights Tasks that took me 5 minutes to complete! Yay for more silly little swag to adorn my computer desk! Yay!
So, alright... Brer was talking to me the other day about the thing, and the other thing, and he asked me why I didn't get the second job like I said I was going to awhile back and am not saving as much money as I could have, and I didn't answer him well then and I've been thinking about it, so here's my reasons.
1) I've impressed myself with my studentness at the moment. And yet, all that homework that I've managed to keep doing and be up to date on? I did it all during the time where I would have been working had I gotten that second on-campus job. And I know me. If I didn't have that free time during the day right before class, the chances of me doing it at all would drastically decrease. It gives me time where I'm more willing to focus in and work, because there aren't boyfriends and card games and so on ready to distract me then.
2) I deserve to have fun. I've said that a couple times now, but seriously, this is a huge thing for me. I deserve to have fun. And I believe it, I'm not just saying it because other people tell me so. I deserve it. So I'm going, while I'm here and have little monetary worries, to have fun. If that means splurging every so often on games I probably don't need, I don't care. I know I have a future I need to save for, but my parents have made it pretty clear I can't have that living here. And if every time I wanted to go do something or get something, I had to think "But I need to save for transitioning" it would just make all those emotions refuse to ever go away. I'd be angsty and depressed. I mean, I guess I am now in general, but I would be more so. To the point where I'm sure I wouldn't get as much work done. Depression has been a big reason for me skipping classes in the past...
So, anyway, yeah, there you go. Hope that makes sense. Sense-ish.
I wrote a shortshort story... Nanofic... whatever... it's called Charity, it's at poetfox.com, it's like 165 words or something. Dunno if my point came across... if you read it, let me know what you think the point is.
Well, time to shower so I can go eat at Shogun's with Spants. Yay!
Posted by poetfox at September 8, 2006 11:38 AM
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