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September 15, 2006
Stepping Wind is such a terrible song, but I keep listening to it.
So they're having some sort of release... contest... party... thing... on Slimeknights next tuesday through thursday since the game came out... and it involves three person teams. And since I still find myself checking the site alot for no real reason, I said "Hey, I don't have friends on this site, because I haven't posted in the forum once, but I'm in." So King_Slime put me in a team called "The n00bs of Honour." I dunno if I should be honoured or honored or insulted. Then agian, since nobody on the site knows me, I suppose I am n00bish. But anyway, more silly free keychains for me thanks to me being willing to waste my free time on that instead of... I dunno... writing essays or something otherwise constructive.
I should figure out if I'm going to play Rocket Slime or Contact first... I want to save one game for the fall break Vegas trip, to play alongside Clubhouse Games... I think Contact will take longer to beat... but eh, we'll see what happens.
So have you heard of these Broken Pix3ls guys? It's like... three guys being drunk and playing god awful video games. Quite often one of those people is Seanbaby. In any case, there are about four or so of those episodes out (I first watched one back when I read a feature called "Superman: Gamer's Kryptonite" and they did an episode on the genius that is Superman 64) and I suggest you give them a watch by finding them on the You Tubes if you're bored. I think they originate on Gamevideos.com, but I hate that site. The only good thing about it is it lets me download anything they put up there, so I don't have to deal with their shitty flash player.
I should really be writing the essay I've been working on in my head right now... or better yet, the paper I need to write this weekend... yeah... that would be a good idea...
Posted by poetfox at September 15, 2006 02:55 PM
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