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September 14, 2006
Release Date and Price, baybee.
So they've finally finalized all the Wii info. About time, really... I was hoping it would launch late October and I was hoping it would be around 200, though I'm fine with the 250. I was right about Wii Sports being a pack in... I suppose I should reserve one sometime soon. What games do I want to get with it... Smooth Moves... Twilight Princess... Hm... oh well, that's awhile away.
So I was good last night, and didn't turn my comptuer back on after work so I could let my ginormus new computer battery charge... think of all the Detective Conan I missed out on downloading... oh well... heh. I really need to already start burning some of that off, by now I am sure I've almost gotten 10 gigs of the show and the various movies. I also need to buy more DVD-Rs...
Oooh, there are rumors of a new X360 bundle with a GRAW and XBLA Unplugged packin. That wouldn't be bad. I would have a better chance of playing GRAW than whatever racing game they were rumoring to pack in earlier, and the XBLA Unplugged games would save me 5 bucks on Geometry Wars as well as give me other little games to fiddle with if I want... If that's real, and i follow it up with the Camera Bundle with Uno, Totemball, Robotron, and a year of Live Gold, I'd be doing pretty good on XBLA games. Note I don't really want the camera perse. I can't really see me using it much. But the whole superbundle I thought was priced about the same as the current year of Live bundle, and it comes with a better selection of XBLA games. I think the other one comes with Bankshot Billiards or something stupid like that.
I hope my family is supportive of my 360 Christmas that I have planned. Otherwise all this waiting and holding back will be for naught! Although, starting next Tuesday will be the string of releases leading up to Chrissymas, so I should be okay on the resisting front. Thank you, Detective Conan, for helping me get through those long, gameless hours! Or something.
Gas is really cheap right now, I should get some... I should also get some caffiene and then do my homework or something...
Posted by poetfox at September 14, 2006 10:44 AM
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