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September 06, 2006
Nothing is pointless! And the reason is, because I'm the President of the great United States of America!
I'm such a Gyakuten Saiban geek all the sudden... I can't wait until Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All comes out (though I'm actually kinda glad it's not this year, I got enough games to buy) and I must remember to somehow, through legal or illegal means, get my hands on this full-on orchestra version of Gyakuten Saiban music, because it's fucking awesome. I suggest listening to Court "1" all the way through. It has the lobby pre-court music, the "Witness Statement" music, and the dramatic contradiction-finding music all wrapped up in there. Heh. Anyway, I hope I remember to aquire that. Or not, I suppose.
So I was all like... a fucking bad-ass yesterday and did all my homework and stuff? I keep bragging about it, but I'm just proud of me. I didn't have any free time, and I wanted it, and yet I got everything done. Fuck. Yeah.
Mm, I made my mom read my short story a little while ago... I wonder how that's going for her... she didn't print it up... heh...
I thought for a moment I was going to have to import Gitaroo Man Lives! and thus have another game to buy this year, but luckily it IS being brought to the US, in Feburary, so I can wait and ask for it for my birthday or something. It's apparently got two all-new songs that you can play in a co-op mode if you want. Unlikely, since nobody around here has a PSP besides Spants, and rightly so, but you never know... Spants liked Gitaroo Man too...
Posted by poetfox at September 6, 2006 02:44 PM
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