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September 21, 2006
Lace-ups are the latest news!
Sorry, bad joke from work.
So would you like to know the number of new DS games I have? If you guessed two, you win. Would you like the know the number of DS games whose music is completely trash and you would have to be wanting to punish yourself if you turned the sound on while playing them? Two. Would you like to know how many good games I got. I'd say two.
See, I always feel like I should do reviews for games and stuff on here. Dunno why. Not alot of point, doubt I have readers, much less readers who are waiting with baited breath for what I think of a particular game. But I feel bad when I don't write them. I don't want to do a review of either right now, though. So I won't. But you will get some random rambling about things. They might end up being reviewish by the time I'm done, though...
So, okay, game one I got was Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team. Red Rescue Team is supposedly exactly the same, only for GBA. I thought having all the numbers and map on another screen instead of an overlay was enough of a benefit to merit the DS version. Basically, if you've never played a Mystery Dungeon game (if you have, it's just like that, only with Pokemon), it's basically a dungeon crawler. You run around searching for phat lewt and doing quests in randomly generated dungeons. It's in a quasireal time interface which I probably could explain but don't feel like it.
In any case, I am an Eevee. There's this quiz that determines what Pokemon you are in the game, and I had to redo it a couple times, because it wanted me to be a Chikorita. Hells no. Eevee is one of my favorite Pokemon and it's one of the possiblities for girls, so that's what I am. However, I feel it's making the game alot harder on me. I mean, I can't evolve, and Eevee doesn't learn any good moves. Bite... and Double Edge, I think. Until then, I get Tackle (decent in this game) Tail Wag, Helping Hand, and Sand Attack (I'm a fan of Sand Attack, but it hasn't proven very useful in this game yet). So, yeah... I'm a real powerhouse... or something. I suppose I'll have to start saving up and buying TMs, as the only real benefit to being an Eevee is having basically all TMs open to me to use...
The sleeping animation for the Eevee, when I wake up after sleeping and saving in my little Eevee house? It's the cutest thing EVER, and I wish I had an animated gif of it, or knew how to find animated gifs of things like that.
Also, I am never taking an escort mission in the game again. Wurmple, you are a fake Ruby/Sapphire pokemon. You will never be Weedle or Caterpie, so you should just shut up and die and stop attacking enemies. I'm escorting you. You're level fucking 1. Don't attack things. Run away from things. For the love of god, run away from things.
The other game, which I was meaning to wait on for a little while, but Wurmple and his idiocy pissed me off so much that I had to switch games is, of course, Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime. I'm a Slime Knight, bitch. Yeah. It is basically as I heard of it. It's very easy, but it's just tons of fun. Honestly, if it didn't require making someone else I know buy the game, which honestly isn't going to happen, the Multiplayer Tank Battles would be amazingly fun. The Tank battles are just hectic and just a little strategic, and I love them.
In any case, this game is just... it's not for everyone. But I revel in things like this. Games and things like this make me feel like a little cute kid, and I love that feeling, and I cherish anything that can bring it to me, because I want to be little and cute, and hell, fun is fun. That is what this game does to me, it's just so happy. When you save, all the slimes in the town sing a happy save song for fucks sake. (I do not hear this song, because the music is terrible and I have the sound turned down. The dancing and the music notes clue me in that this is the case, though) If you want that feeling, get the game. Then challenge me to a tank battle. My personal brand of Schleiman Tank is ready to take you on. I wish the tank battles were online, that would be so fucking sweet...
In other "I buy too many games" news, Touch Detective, which I had only vaguely heard about until a recent Joystiq Interview with one of the guys behind the translation, intrigues me and makes me want to buy it before all the copies of it disappear. I have also bought a little case to carry all my multiplayer DS games around with me in, when going on trips and things. Why? Why not. Fuck you, I wanted one. It fits nice in the free little Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DS case I got with the game. Also, I have no idea where my copy of Meteos is. I wanted to put it in the Game Case of Multiplayer Preparedness but I can't find it. This saddens me. I hope I locate it soon.
I am going to lay down in bed and play Rocket Slime now.
Posted by poetfox at September 21, 2006 12:33 AM
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