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September 24, 2006
Jump into that vortex of hip, the (Time) Spiral!
Holy shit, me want Amaterasu doll... well, and Okami... but since my PS2 doesn't work, it doesn't feel like I should buy it at the moment... I suppose I could try aligning it again sometime...
In a semi-related note, if you saw the post I'm stealing that image from, why the fuck does like every gaming blog ever take constant pot shots at furries? I mean, I understand there is alot to work with if you're attempting to make childish insults and pick furries as a target, but why go out of your way? Have furries raped all gaming bloggers? Fuck if I know. It just sort of annoys me in the back of my mind. I can laugh at this fandom I am part of as much as the next person, I understand much of it is pretty weird, but that doesn't mean people should be asses constantly...
So I got all crazy depressed today and I didn't really do my homework. So sue me. I will get it done because I am TOTALLY FUCKING AWESOME. You heard it from me, it's true.
Wish me luck in the prerelease tommo... today. Heh. Jonathan and I are going. Also wish me luck in finishing that stupid Wurmple escort quest in between rounds. I've beat Rocket Slime, so I need to take care of that in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon... and then never, ever take another escort mission again.
Posted by poetfox at September 24, 2006 02:28 AM
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