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September 04, 2006
I'm doing this thing at Slimeknights.com, if this post completely confuzzles you.
So many games, and so little time. There are just simply tons of DS games coming out in the later half of this year. But yet, one of the games I look forward to, Rocket Slime, is still several weeks away. I've got nothing on the portables to play until then. What am I going to do? Well, I have some ideas.
1) Cry. I mean, I'll be so lonely, so sad without a game to keep me company, what can I do other than weep?
2) Breathe. If I do not breathe, then I won't be alive to play Rocket Slime, and that could be a problem. So I will likely do that.
3) Eat. See above.
4) Daydream. By focusing enough creative energies, I should be able to create, in my mind, a situation that is similar to Rocket Slime, in order to keep myself in a hazy dreamstate, the sort of hazy dreamstate which will make the passage of time less noticable, thus making the wait more bearable.
5) Work Ahead in my Schoolwork. I have several papers due around the end of September. It will be difficult to complete them while my hands are firmly around my Nintendo DS, playing Rocket Slime. So I should probably get those out of the way early.
6) Totally Making Out with my boyfriend. Not really related to anything, but I'm totally going to do it anyway. And hey, it's a good distraction and it will be difficult to do while holding a DS. Not impossible, but difficult.
7) Pre-ordering Rocket Slime. I really should have already done that. I need to get on that.
8) Writing a list of 8 things I shall be doing while waiting for Rocket Slime to come out. Seems like a good idea in general.
Posted by poetfox at September 4, 2006 07:45 PM
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