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September 28, 2006

I don't think I talk enough about games.

So I hear on Kotaku that the Japanese DS port of Gyakuten Saiban 2 has the full english translation of the game in it, and that it's coming out at the end of August, as opposed to the, say, March release of Phoenix Wright 2: Justice For All. And the preorder, after shipping, ending up being about as much as the game would cost if I bought it in a store around here, perhaps even a couple bucks less, and came with stickers. Heh. So, um, guess who has that preordered now.

Apparently, Rare is making a new Banjo-Kazooie for the 360. I wonder why. They were certianly among the more entertaining of the millions of Mario 64 clones that came out. Unlike, say, DK64, most of the things barring your way that required new skills and such actually, you know, looked like they would. I guess Microsoft, after PDZ didn't do all that hot, is just telling Rare to try to focus on pulling in the younger market. I'll admit Viva Pinata has a bit of an appeal to me, though I'm definately not buying it at full price... Will another Banjo-Kazooie do that though? Aren't most of the people who played that back in the day probably playing Saints Row or something by now? I guess it's for adults with 360s to buy for their kids...? Bleh, I dunno. In the teaser trailer, Banjo looks totally fucked up.

I've almost caught up on Wingin' It episodes, which is pretty hardcore, I think. I mean, I had something like 12 hours of Wingin' It to catch up on a couple weeks ago. Mur's essay about the clit was pretty awesome. I'm really getting more and more caught up on podcasts these days. I'm starting to burn through my large back catelogue of Escape Pod, too. Wonder what I'm doing different on the listening front.

Oh, if you are a fan of Smash Brothers, you should see this Small Arms gameplay clip. It's on XBLA (or should be, anyway, by the time I get a 360) and looks like shit-tons of fun. The fact that there is a 50MB limit on the size of a XBLA game... and it looks like that... it just blows my mind. I'm adding that to the list of XBLA games I want... I really hope they keep the awesome going for the whole of the Xbox 360's lifespan... and then fix the whole issue they're having about being slow as fuck to actually put the things on the Marketplace.

Posted by poetfox at September 28, 2006 12:33 PM


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