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September 26, 2006

I am the queen of procrastination.

Well, okay, perhaps not quite the queen, but I keep going and going... yaaaay... but I'm a good student... DO NOT BOTHER ME TOMMOROW I AM GOING TO BE WORKING LIKE INSANE TOMMOROOOOOOOW! *sighs* I just want to not be overcome with nervousness, that's all I ask. I got really nervous panicy today during class... I had avoided that feeling until now this semester... blah...

Jonathan and I tried Dreamblade today. It's pretty awesome. The basics of the game are very simple, but you can put together various miniatures into your warband (that's what they call your... um... hand of miniatures? I dunno, I don't do much miniatures stuff, besides Pirates) to create some potentially neato combinations and strategies. Only problems, obviously more expensive than Pirates or a card game like Magic, but that's to be expected with miniatures. The other thing is that there are no multiplayer rules. This is duel only, which would be great if... say... I didn't have an average group of four people I do this sort of gaming with. If it was like, just me and Brer and nobody else to game with, I could see me really getting into this, throwing different combinations of miniatures together and playing quick games in between hawt makeout sessions. As it is, though, I might buy a booster or two on a whim, but I probably won't be getting into it. Time Spiral is on the verge of being out, and god knows I'll be spending enough money on that.

I joined a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon club on 1up. The last club I joined on there for Animal Crossing I got to play with a bunch of random nice people for a little while. So I was hoping to find a group of people who would love to save each other for additional grindfests. I screwed up a little while later, and I posted up my rescue code, so we'll see if someone rescues me tommorow. I will have no problem not playing until then because I must NOT DO ANY GAMING BECAUSE I HAVE ALOT OF WORK TO DO TOMMOROW! I will keep typing that, just like I keep writing YOU WILL TAKE NOTES and underlining it on the top of every page of notes I have taken this semester...

Oh, I installed VMware Player and put an Ubuntu virtual machine. I would have perfered Kubuntu, as my limited Linux experience has caused me to enjoy that desktop better than Gnome, but oh well. When I went to Penny Arcade in the virtual machine, it worked. I am apparently the victim of the worlds most retarded and specific malware. It's sad that I will now be opening a whole other operating system on a virtual machine just to read Tycho's ramblings. Other than that, though, VMware Player works fucking awesomely. I was tabbing in and out of the window with no slowdown while doing my usual browsing, listening, chatting day to day stuff. If you're interested, you might want to give it a go, it's free and shit...

Wow, I wrote a really long blog post... I wonder if I'm procrastinating.

Posted by poetfox at September 26, 2006 01:15 AM


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