« I'm doing this thing at Slimeknights.com, if this post completely confuzzles you. | Main | Nothing is pointless! And the reason is, because I'm the President of the great United States of America! »
September 04, 2006
Explaination of the post below, and other things.
Okay, so, alright, that thing below. Well, there is this website, and it's SlimeKnights.com, and it was originally about Dragon Quest 8, I think, but now it's about Rocket Slime, which, if you read that overly long post below, you know I am looking forward to. Well, apparently if you go there and you do many little silly tasks such as writing what you are doing to hold yourself over for the release of the game and so on and so forth, you get these little Mini-Medals which you can then turn in for various Rocket Slime swag. So I was watching B5 and needing something for my hands to do so I did all the current quests, besides pre-ordering and taking a picture of the preorder reciept, which I will probably do tommorow so I can get some cute slime keychains for free for like 15 minutes worth of work (hopefully). So if I posted that little thing to a website I had it got me more points so I did it and there you go. Anyway, once it recognizes all the silly things I did, I should have enough points to get a cute little slime keychain and, I figure, if I keep my eye on the website, I should be able to get a little slime cell phone thing too with little effort so that's what I was doing to waste time and that is the explaination for it so there.
So we watched Brick sunday night? Jonathan disliked it, but I enjoyed it thoroughly. It was like this... cliche cop goes rogue and underground sort of story...? But it was set at a high school. I found that incredibly cliche thing mixed with high school life... it was awesome. The deep seriousness mixed with... I loved it. Jonathan, however, found the aspect that makes it different retarded, and hated it. But eh, it was a good film. Likely wouldn't watch it again, perse, but it was good.
Other things... oh, apparently my family is going to Las Vegas over my fall break. I plan on saving either Contact or Rocket Slime to play over the trip, since Clubhouse Games, which is the most recent portable game that is coming out before the trip, isn't the sort of thing that one plays for a long period of time. Good to know I've got my gaming additionally planned out, though. Heh.
Posted by poetfox at September 4, 2006 08:50 PM
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