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August 10, 2006
There really is alot of mind control in Wind Waker...
I never really think it's a good thing when I decide to "go check out ebay." That's just asking for trouble. Thankfully, I don't do it as often as I used to. I must resist, use resistances, that sort of thing. RESISTY!
So I think it's about time to put together a new deck, and I'm actually feeling a bit split between the Zur deck I put together (I posted the decklist here awhile back), a Coinflippy deck putting Karpulsan Minotaur to good use, or a brand new deck I conceptualized whilst I was bowling that is based on being fairly defensive and enjoying Reversing the Sands, a Kamigawa throw away rare that I think I could have alot of fun with, either by exploiting the fact I don't care about my life total by using cards like Greed or letting my opponents gain shitloads of life as I do my thing with cards like Wall of Shards. But I dunno. We'll see. I don't really NEED to order a new deck... just getting the urge... and I should enjoy myself... I deserve to enjoy myself, at least somewhat. At least I think I do.
I'm reading The Big Over Easy now. It's pretty good. Mr. Fforde is... very... not... focused. But his books are so fun, I can't help but... well... have fun. And that's why I read. So there.
Oh, have you seen this Geoffrey Chaucer blog? Totally crazy.
Posted by poetfox at August 10, 2006 02:40 AM
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