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August 15, 2006
The Poetfox In: THe Quest for Magnificent Timewasters
So in my quest for little tiny fun games, I started looking for a site that had little tiny fun games. My first thought was Popcap, because, I dunno, I keep hearing about them winning awards and shit and apparently everyone and their mother plays Bejeweled, so, you know, okay. I got hooked into this Alchemy game on there, it's pretty neato although I'll be honest and say that I don't take the slow thought processes that are needed for me to win by much other than sheer luck. Anyway, that got me hooked for a little bit, but it wasn't really what I wanted. I wanted some big, all encompassing thing that would reward me for wasting alot of time. Neopets does that, but eh, I didn't want to play their flash games. Playing the fun or challenging ones is often a penalty. Also, my Aisha is likely dead. Poor girl.
So I kept looking, and I ended up at MSN Games for some reason, and I'll tell you, it looks pretty slick. They've taken a cue from the 360 guys and made "badges" for all their games, which basically work like Live Achievements only for these little games you fool around with. It also keeps track of all your high scores and whatnot online. Like I said, pretty neat... but it requires IE to work at all, and seriously, no way in fuck am I using IE, even just for this. And although I'm sorta searching half-heartedly for another site with a setup like that, I doubt I'll find it. I can't think of any good search engine terms to filter them out from normal gaming sites, for one thing... but eh, so it goes.
So we played what was likely the longest game of Cranium ever in the history of ever tonight. That's what we get for going mandatory slow track, I suppose. Longest. Game. Ever. Also, I got more B5 from Spants, but he left out a chunk for reasons that are only his own... Oh, and Spants bought a fat pack for Coldsnap and found out two awesome things. One, it has a Spindown life counter (huzzah!), two the land pack is all snow lands (Huzzah!). Now I have to get one! Sometime when we'll draft it, though, of course.
So I'm still resisting the 360 even if I took alot of time to run around and price it today. I will resist! RESIST! But if I do start walking out the door with moneycard in hand, and you know what's going to happen, be sure to remind me to steal my mother's Sam's Club card and buy their 360 bundle. Seems to be the best bang for my buck I'm going to get.
Posted by poetfox at August 15, 2006 02:38 AM
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