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August 14, 2006
Call me retarded, but I keep getting more and more excited about Clubhouse Games the more I think about it. It's so simple, and yet seems like a great way to waste time while waiting on anything, especially if you can hop onto a game on the WiFi Connection.
I'm just more and more excited about simple or simple-ish games in general nowadays. I want things I can do while waiting for bigger things to do to download, or while chatting with my friends or while watching an episode of some TV show I downloaded. Clubhouse Games is like that. Albatross is like that, though eating a little too much system resources at the moment to always be used like that (I'm hoping the additional RAM that's coming will fix that). Hell, alot of the stuff that interests me on XBLA is like that (Call me insane for wanting to get my Uno on. The fact that I've read there is plenty of Uno trash-talking, just like in any Live game, thrills me to no end. Heh. WILD DRAW FOUR, MOTHER FUCKERS! TAKE THAT! YEAH, STUPID BITCHES, DIDN'T SEE THAT FUCKING COMING, DID YOU?). I've always said what I want are little simple yet complex games I can play while doing other things on the PC, and suddenly, someone seems to be making some. It's nifty.
Posted by poetfox at August 14, 2006 03:58 AM
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